NULL on error flipping bits whilst updating pixels

2023 was a productive year

The year started and I joined Fueled, an agency specializing in mobile apps and web systems, as a lead engineer.

At Fueled, so far I’ve had the opportunity to work with three of their biggest clients to date. One of them is the world’s most famous lingerie brand, for which I developed a ‘social network’ that currently has about 5 million users. Then, I worked on a credit platform for elders in the United States that garnered 500,000 users at launch. Currently, I am working on a personal time management project for one of the top coaches in the field.

In parallel, I wrote five articles for Fueled’s technical blog. They are:

I also wrote another five for my personal blog (this one). They are:

As if that wasn’t enough, I also developed and maintained personal projects, one of which, Carimbo, was the one I devoted most of my time to. They are:

  • Carimbo - A 2D engine written in C++ using SDL and Lua as a scripting language.
  • Carimbo Play - A web server to serve a combination of Carimbo releases and games.
  • Grammateus - An assistant that summarizes Twitch streams using OpenAI, written in Go.
  • Neo Compiler Bot - A Telegram bot capable of compiling and executing unsafe code in the cloud.
  • Freudian Slip Bot - A Telegram bot designed to detect slip-ups between the lines.

And many other small projects.

As a result.

GitHub Stats

Let’s see if 2024 will surpass it. Happy new year everyone!