NULL on error flipping bits whilst updating pixels

Orchestrating a Google Kubernetes cluster using TypeScript


This post is more to me remember how to do this in the future, but in any case, someone else can need.


First of all, you need two dependencies. There is no need to install the types because these libraries are written in TypeScript:

npm install --save @google-cloud/container @kubernetes/client-node
  • @google-cloud/container is needed to get access to the Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • @kubernetes/client-node is required to operate Kubernetes, deploy manifests, get pods, and everything that kubectl does.

At this time, you may have an error during the build, to solve this, add this extra dev dependency.

npm install --save-dev @types/tar


If you are running your code inside any Google Cloud service, you do not need to do anything else besides the lines below:

import * as googleContainer from "@google-cloud/container";

const client = new googleContainer.v1.ClusterManagerClient();

async function getCredentials(cluster: string, zone: string) {
  const projectId = await client.getProjectId();
  const accessToken = await client.auth.getAccessToken();
  const request = {
    projectId: projectId,
    zone: zone,
    clusterId: cluster,

  const [response] = await client.getCluster(request);
  return {
    endpoint: response.endpoint,
    certificateAuthority: response.masterAuth?.clusterCaCertificate,
    accessToken: accessToken,

Then to use it is pretty simple:

import * as k8s from "@kubernetes/client-node";

const clusterName = "cluster-1";
const zone = "us-central1-c";

const k8sCredentials = await getCredentials(clusterName, zone);
const k8sClientConfig = new k8s.KubeConfig();

  clusters: [
      name: clusterName,
      caData: k8sCredentials.certificateAuthority,
      server: `https://${k8sCredentials.endpoint}`,
  users: [
      name: clusterName,
      token: k8sCredentials.accessToken,
  contexts: [
      name: clusterName,
      user: clusterName,
      cluster: clusterName,
  currentContext: clusterName,

const k8sApi = await k8sClientConfig.makeApiClient(k8s.CoreV1Api);

k8sApi is all you need to operate a Kubernetes cluster.

Applying a manifest

The code below does the same of kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml:

import { promises as fs } from "fs";
import * as yaml from "js-yaml";
import * as path from "path";
import type { KubernetesObject } from "@kubernetes/client-node";

const specs = yaml.loadAll(await fs.readFile(path.resolve("manifest.yaml"), "utf-8")) as KubernetesObject[];

const validSpecs = specs.filter((spec) => spec && spec.kind && spec.metadata);

for (const spec of validSpecs) {
  spec.metadata = spec.metadata || {};
  spec.metadata.annotations = spec.metadata.annotations || {};
  delete spec.metadata.annotations[""];
  spec.metadata.annotations[""] = JSON.stringify(spec);

  try {
    // if exists, update it
    await k8sApi.patch(spec);
  } catch (e) {
    // if not exist, create it
    await k8sApi.create(spec);

The code above works fine in a Firebase Function and should work in any Google Cloud product without any change. If you want to run in another environment, you need to load Google’s credentials before all. To know how to do this, see my other post Accessing Google Firestore on Vercel.